This Week in Gillespie 4-H: October 30th - November 5th
Monday - October 30th, 2023
Tuesday - October 31st, 2023
- Wrede 4-H Meeting (off-site)
- Happy Halloween!
Wednesday - November 1st, 2023
- Gillespie County Stock Show Entries Open
- State 4-H Scholarships Open
Thursday - November 2nd, 2023
- Robotics @ 5:30 PM (Must be pre-registered)
Friday - November 3rd, 2023- No Events Scheduled
Saturday -November 4th, 2023- No Events Scheduled
Sunday - November 5th, 2023- Harper 4-H Trash Pick Up @ 1:30 PM
- Robotics @ 3:30 PM (Must be Pre-Registered)
- Daylight Savings Ends.... Set Those Clocks Back!
- November 7th- Harper Stock Show Entry Night
- November 8th- Turkey's Arrive in the Afternoon
- November 10th- DEADLINE Fort Worth & Sandhills Stock Show Entries
- November 10th-12th- SPARK Leadership Retreat
- November 14th- Clover Kid Experience
- November 16th- Holiday Baking Championship
- November 17th-18th- Weekend in Aggieland
- November 18th-DEADLINE GCYLS Show Entries
- November 20th- DEADLINE Major Stock Show Entries
- November 22nd- County Broiler Pick Up
- December 1st- DEADLINE for Grandstand Stock Show Entries (online)
Club Meetings
New News
4-H Enrollment is Open!
Make sure that club members and volunteers are enrolled, especially if you are planning in participating in any 4-H projects or livestock shows. The youth club member participation fee discount period will end on October 31. Starting November 1, the regular fee of $30.00 will be charged. Youth members are not guaranteed the $25.00 discounted fee unless they are processed and paid fully by October 31.
Note: Fees for adults and clover kids will remain the same.
Quality Counts is required for county and major livestock show entries and must be completed at each grade level division (junior – grades 3-5, intermediate – grades 6-8, senior – grades 9-12). It does not have to be renewed every year.
If you are having login or technical issues, please contact:
Next Monday we will be hosting a FREE webinar over the basics in getting started in a youth poultry project for livestock shows. The presentation will last about 30 minutes with time for questions at the end.
Swine Validation Dates
Join Texas 4-H and watch some Texas Texas A&M Football! Begin your weekend in Aggieland on Friday, November 17th, with informational workshops hosted by Texas A&M University - College of Agriculture and Life Sciences faculty and staff! Join Texas 4-H on Saturday, November 18th, for some Aggie Football and Tailgating fun! See the website for more details!
For BOTH event registrations, including the tailgate, workshops, t-shirt order and football ticket purchases Click HERE
Join the 2023-2024 Texas 4-H Council members in November for SPARK (formerly Junior Leadership Retreat), the premiere statewide leadership retreat for junior and intermediate level 4-H members!! 4-H members will have the opportunity to spark their interest through service-learning activities, project experiences, art and crafts, recreation, and knowledge. Most importantly, they will have a chance to meet 4-H members from across the state, make new friends, and of course, dance!! Registration is now open and closes on November 4th. Council has a fun weekend planned and we hope everyone can join them for the Red Carpet Rodeo!
Registration is through the Texas 4-H Conference Center website Click the Green Register Now. Cost is $170/camper and closes on November 4th. This event is open to 3rd – 8th Grade 4-H Members.
Adult Chaperones are required. The required ratio is 1 adult for every 8 youth. Each youth should have a chaperone of the same gender assigned to him/her. As in the past, male chaperones are needed, or the Center will have to limit the number of male campers. So, keep this in mind if your county is bringing youth you will need to also have a male Chaperone with the group. Chaperones must be officially screened volunteers in 4HOnline. Make sure to get your chaperones registered sooner rather than later. Cost for the Chaperones is $0.00.
We are excited to announce the continuation of the state-level Natural Resource Photography Contest. It is open to junior, intermediate, and senior members, and categories are focused solely on the Natural Resource project areas.
Here are a few key points:
- Open contest (no qualifying required) to all counties
- Open to juniors, intermediate, and senior age divisions
- 10 Natural Resource themed categories
- Same scoring matrix and general rules as the state contest
- Entry timeline is December 1-15
- No late entries accepted
The rules for the 2023-2024 state contest are also attached. For those who may be new to Extension, the state 4-H photography contest is a senior-only qualifying contest where photos qualify directly from COUNTY to STATE. Each county may submit no more than 1 photo per category (15 total). As stated in the rules, counties are highly encouraged to have some type of selection process in place to determine which photos are eligible. The timeline for entry is April 1-15.
Key points:
- Qualify from county level (district contests have no bearing on qualifications)
- Open to senior age division only
- 15 categories (includes a new “Abandoned” theme for this year)
- Entry timeline is April 1-15
- No late entries accepted
Quality Barn Time with Sheep & Goats
Day 1 – Walk your animal for 10 minutes. Walk up the road or in the pasture, you don’t just have to walk in a circle like you do at the show.
Day 2 – Put your sheep/goat on the stand/rack or tie them to the fence for 15 minutes. Be sure not to leave the alone. While they are standing there set their back feet square, so they get use to standing correctly and you touching their legs.
Day 3 – Do legs! More on this next week in livestock corner. Short version is washing the animals leg hair/wool from their knee/hocks down.
Day 4 – Walk your animal for 10 minutes.
Day 5 – Do legs!
If you can fit these 5 days into your 7-day week you will be spending quality time with your livestock and your evenings will be filled with productive barn time. Just think if you are doing legs they are also standing still in a rack/stand or tied to the fence for at least 15 minutes and getting use to touching their legs.
Healthy skin and hair for pigs
Making your animal look the part is huge, therefore keeping a daily hair care routine is a must. Washing your animal at least least twice a week is huge and using a spray on conditioner after washing.
Using a rice root brush twice a day is good for their hair and skin. Rice root brushes, keep their hair in line and open up the pores on their skin to keep it from drying out. A good conditioner like pre show for your white pigs or an oil based conditioner for your dark pigs is good to use as well. Hair and skin will set you apart from others and also tells someone how much time and effort you put in at home besides training.
4-H Spotlight
Our weekly spotlight goes to Tuckyr Geistweidt, who tied for 2nd place in American trap shooting and 4th in doubles trap shooting at the Heart of Texas Shooters Extravaganza. He was also 5th place overall in his division. Way to go Tuckyr!
If you have someone you would like to nominate for 4-H spotlight please email
There are ALOT of opportunities available for 4-H youth on a county, district, and state level and through external organizations. We do our best to keep you updated with these opportunities through the following methods! If you have any questions please let us know.
The members of Texas A&M AgriLife will provide equal opportunities in programs and activities, education, and employment to all persons regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity and will strive to achieve full and equal employment opportunity throughout Texas A&M AgriLife. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating
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